TheInvestorHQ’s goal is to provide Investors the opportunity to browse various Issuers’ Offerings to invest between $1,000 to $5,000 per Offering. The investment maximum is set so that Investors do not invest too much in a single Issuer.
No company, or “Issuer,” is permitted to list on TheInvestorHQ unless it has engaged in a third-party process, which includes preliminary analyses of the Issuer’s business model; a legal review; an audit of the Issuer’s accounting/financial documents; and preparation of documents/media found on the Issuer’s “Offering” page to provide explanations of matters relating to the Offering, presented in a consistent way to allow investors to easily compare Offerings during their selection process. Nevertheless, this process does not reduce the risk of loss and investors should conduct their own due diligence.
TheInvestorHQ allows each Issuer to choose between one of two investment models: